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PerlQuotes 1992

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Larry Wall (<lwall {at} netlabs.com>)
Re: Octal chmod status
1992-08-26 05:38:22 PST
What is the sound of Perl?  Is it not the sound of a wall that
people have stopped banging their heads against?

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Larry Wall (<lwall {at} netlabs.com>)
Re: Failed pipe open always exits?
1992-07-02 10:12:06 PST
: Larry, any plans to teach Perl how to handle in/output redirection without
: resorting to /bin/sh?  Its easy enough to write in Perl so it may not be
: worth adding (like better-than-csh globbing).

Down that path lies madness. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with
melting snowballs.

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